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Covid-19 Policies and Procedures


To our patients and professional partners:

We continue to stay open to be able to serve the needs of the community. However, for the safety of our workers and our patients we have applied same changes in our policies in regards to infection control and check-in procedures at the clinic. The precautions set forth were in response to changes in CDC guidelines which continue to change from day to day towards a pattern of increasing caution, as well as our own internal policy to maximize social distancing and minimize unneeded contact between patients. The issues with COVID 19 are likely to be long term perhaps 6 months upward of a year. We will modify the policies set forth as CDC changes their guidelines and will keep staff and patient up to date of any changes, but as today these are the policies. We appreciate your cooperation and support. Please know that we remain open solely for the benefit of the community and those that need medical care.

How will my Physical Therapy be affected?

You will see several changes in check-in policies at the clinic. You will be asked a series of screening questions:

  1. Do you have a fever, cough, cold, problems with taste, smell, or stomach?
  2. Have you travelled out of state or off island in the last 14 days?
  3. Have you had any contact with anyone suspected or having COVID-19?
  4. Have you been in contact with anyone that was off island in the last 14 days?

If you answered YES to any of the questions above, please cancel your appointment. You will be instructed on hand washing and expected to wash your hands before and after PT. We are limiting our waiting room, so please show up at your appointment time (not early). If you are at high risk you might be offered Tele-PT as an option, which is also covered by health insurance; ask one of our staff for more info. You also might be monitored for symptoms including a fever.

What else is Healing Rehab Physical Therapy doing?

We have started monitoring our staff for symptoms including fever at the beginning of each workday. Temperatures are taken for staff and all patients upon entry. We have redoubled our efforts to sanitize the clinic using products known to kill viruses. We have discontinued our gym program and adjusted our clinical staff schedules in order to minimize our clinic capacity to 10 people or less. As a result, please expect changes to your schedule so that we can minimize clinic capacity during peak work times. We strongly support social distancing at this time and are making changes in our schedule to make social distancing more practical.

If an in-person clinic visit is not ideal, we offer both home (in-home therapy) and online physical therapy treatment (video/telemedicine). Please call us for details.

Healing Rehab Patient COVID-19 Policy and Procedures

In summary, to follow CDC guidelines, internal Healing Rehab policies, and to minimize exposure to people we are asking all patients:

  • Seek medical advice from your doctor if you are experiencing fever (65 year or older 99.6 temperature; younger than 65 years 100.4 or high), cough, and/or shortness of breath.
  • Temperatures of patients are taken upon coming to the clinic. Temperatures of staff are taken as well.
  • Call Healing Rehab to cancel your appointment if 1) you are experiencing any symptoms of a cold, flu, cough, or elevated temperature, 2) have traveled outside of the U.S. in the last 14 days or been around anyone who has been out of the country 3) Had contact or was in close proximity of a person diagnosed with COVID-19.
  • Do not arrive early to your appointment but to check in at your scheduled time. You may wait in your car for your appointment.
  • Please attend your appointment alone. If you need daily assistance, please only allow your caretaker to attend your appointment with you. Don’t bring children. Other family members can stay in the car.
  • Do no congregate or loitering in the waiting room after appointment.
  • After check in proceed immediately to restroom to wash hands as recommended by CDC.
  • Masks and/or face shield is required of all patients and staff coming into the clinic.
  • Masks are available to our patients who do not have their own, and cloth masks are available to purchase.

Click here to book a FREE TeleHealth consultation with a licensed Physical Therapist and start your journey to getting back to your best!


Healing Rehab Physical Therapy SC
125 South Bloomingdale Road, Suite 11
Bloomingdale, IL 60108
Phone: 847-558-7756
Fax: 847-466-5856

Office Hours

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