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Workplace Injuries Specialist

Healing Rehab Physical Therapy SC -  - Physical Therapy

Healing Rehab Physical Therapy SC

Physical Therapy & Licensed Massage Therapists located in Bloomingdale, IL

Workplace injuries can cause acute pain and, sometimes, long-term problems like back and neck pain. Amjad Bhatti, DPT, Heli Patel, DPT, and the expert team at Healing Rehab Physical Therapy SC provide patient-centered care for all types of workplace injuries at their office in Bloomingdale, Illinois, or in the comfort of your own home. If you’ve experienced a work-related injury, call the office today or request an appointment online.

Workplace Injuries Q & A

What are the most common workplace injuries?

Workplace injuries occur on the job, either as a result of an accident or repetitive stress. There are many ways you can become injured at work, but the most common include:

Overexertion and bodily reaction

Overexertion and bodily reaction injuries include those that result from using excessive physical effort, such as lifting a heavy package, and strain from repetitive motions like painting.

Slips, trips, and falls

Even if you catch yourself before you fall, slipping or tripping can cause your tendons, muscles, and ligaments to stretch and tear. Falls can occur on the same level or from a height, such as a ladder.

Contact with objects or equipment

Contact with objects and equipment may involve being struck by a moving or falling object, getting crushed between objects, or handling vibrating equipment.

Other injuries

Less common types of workplace injuries include motor vehicle accidents, violence from another person or animal, and exposure to harmful substances.

Who is at risk for workplace injuries?

Anyone can experience a workplace injury, even if your career isn’t physically demanding and your work environment appears safe. Most workplace injuries occur during typical, everyday activities.


Certain jobs involve a higher risk for workplace injuries, including construction workers, truck drivers, nursing assistants, warehouse laborers, and movers.

What should I do if I have a workplace injury?

The first thing you should do is notify your employer and explain to them what happened. Then, seek medical care as soon as possible. Your doctor diagnoses your condition and will likely refer you to a licensed physical therapist like the team at Healing Rehab Physical Therapy SC. They provide individualized care for a wide range of workplace injuries.

How does physical therapy help treat workplace injuries?

First, the team at Healing Rehab Physical Therapy SC performs a comprehensive evaluation, including an assessment of your strength, flexibility, and range of motion. After they identify the specific areas of dysfunction, they create a personalized treatment plan to get you back to your normal routine quickly and safely.

Depending on the type and severity of your injury, your physical therapy plan may include:

  • Stretching and strengthening exercises
  • Self-corrective devices
  • Hot and cold packs
  • Interferential (IFC) therapy
  • Ultrasound therapy
  • Cold laser therapy
  • Massage therapy
  • Myofascial release
  • Dry needling
  • Anodyne® therapy
  • Electrotherapy

In addition to outpatient physical therapy, they offer home care and telehealth appointments. 

For excellent care of workplace injuries, call Healing Rehab Physical Therapy SC or request an appointment online today.